Motivational Quotes on Hard Work and Giving it Your All By Greg Brooks Digital

Hard work is a concept that everybody must value. It is impossible to miss a strong work ethic. There are hard workers in every profession and every path of life. If you want to be a hard working person, you must learn to take a passion and value in your work.
1. Babe Ruth Never Gives Up

“It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.” – Babe Ruth
It is extremely hard to beat somebody who works and works and never gives up. People often lose competitions or anything worth fighting for because they give up. When you are matched with someone who never gives up, it is near impossible to beat them.
2. Orson Scott Card Doesn’t Take Not Trying

“If you try and lose then it isn’t your fault. But if you don’t try and we lose, then it’s all your fault.” – Orson Scott Card
If you give it your all and still lose, you have nothing to be ashamed of. You can hold your head high that you tried your best. When you don’t give it your all and lose, you will have nothing but regret and wonder “what if I gave it my all?” – Orson Scott Card
3. Thomas Jefferson Believes Luck and Word are Related

“I’m a greater believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.” – Thomas Jefferson
The former president was an extremely hard worker. Hard work creates luck. The harder we work the more luck we have. Good things happen to good people and the more work we put in the more luck and the more success we will get out.
4. Jim Rohn Believes is Easy to Obtain

“Don’t wish it were easier. Wish you were better.” – Jim Rohn
Do not sit around wishing that things were easier. Wish that you were better so you can achieve what you want to achieve. It starts with a wish and then comes hard work. Wish you were better and use that wish to make yourself work harder and become better.
5. Beverly Sills Believe Hard Work Brings You Where You Want to Go

“There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.” – Beverly Sills
Any goal worth completing is not going to be easy. If you think living your dreams is simple and you are entitled to it, you will never achieve it. The first step is dedicating yourself to a goal and knowing that it will not be easy to complete it, but it will be worth it.
6. Michelangelo Worked Hard to Master his Craft

“If people knew how hard I had to work to gain my mastery, it would not seem so wonderful at all.” – Michelangelo
People believe that the best of the best are born that talented. But it like Malcolm Gladwell says. it takes 10,000 hours to truly master any endeavor. The people who have gained great success have gotten that far through dedication and years of practice.
7. Jimmy Johnson Puts in the Extra Effort

“The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.” – Jimmy Johnson
The different between the people that are very good and excellent is a little extra effort. Extraordinary and ordinary are not that different. To become extraordinary, we must be willing to put in the work that ordinary people are not willing to.
8. Ludwig Von Mises Believes Self-Mastery is Best

“Many who are self-taught far excel the doctors, masters, and bachelors of the most renowned universities.” – Ludwig Von Mises
Some learning cannot be done by another person teaching you. Some learning has to be done on our own. Ludwig on Mises believes that the people that have taught themselves are far better off than the ones who have learned through the means of teaching.
9. Charlotte Bronte Knows the Best is not Always Enough

“It is a pity that doing one’s best does not always answer.” – Charlotte Bronte
You should never be ashamed about giving it your all and coming out on the losing end. It is a true shame that we are not always able to win even when we give it our best. That is why we cannot become obsessed with the outcome. The most we can do is give it everything we have and hope that is enough.
10. Kevin Durant Believes Hard Work Outweighs Talent

“Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard.” – Kevin Durant
The superstar basketball player knows a thing or two about working hard. He has had to work hard his entire career. Sure he has a ton of natural talent, but he would not be one of the best players in the world if he didn’t utilize that talent and work hard every day of his life to get better.
11. Tim Fargo Believes Enemies are Important

“Your friends will believe in your potential, your enemies will make you live up to it.” – Tim Fargo
Your friends will believe in you and give you the courage and support you need. Your enemies will make you accomplish those goals. Proving people wrong is much better and more satisfying than proving people right.
12. Mary E. Pearson Knows There is not Always an Easy Way

“Sometimes there’s not a better way. Sometimes there’s only the hard way.” – Mary E. Pearson
There is not always an easy way out. Sometimes there is only one way to do things and that is the hard way. Too many times people look for the easiest or the fastest way to get something done. Usually this is not the most practical or the most valuable way of doing something. We often need to take the hard way to make sure things are done well. Quality over Quantity.
13. Martina Boone Believes Materialistic Possessions Aren’t Everything

“It doesn’t matter how great your shoes are if you don’t accomplish anything in them.” – Martina Boone
It does not matter how expensive or luxurious your possessions are if you have done nothing to earn them. Having great things means nothing if you haven’t earned them. The feeling of working hard and earning something will always trump the feeling of being handed something.
14. Criss Jami Quotes the Famous Philosopher

“As Aristotle said, ‘Excellence is a habit.’” – Criss Jami
When you achieve excellence once, you will never settle for mediocre again. Excellence is a habit and it does not go away easily. Once you are able to realize your capabilities, the days of not giving it your all and settling for second best are long gone.
15. Mokokoma Mokhonoana Values Love in Mastery

“Though you can love what you do not master, you cannot master what you do not love.” – Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Everyday people love things that they will never be able to master. However, nobody will be able to mastery anything in life unless they truly love it. Mastery takes years and years to accomplish and without a driving passion toward a goal, the time needed to master it will never be reached.
16. Robert Half Describes a Common Scenario

“Hard work without talent is a shame, but talent without hard work is a tragedy.” – Robert Half
Some people work hard but have no talent and other people have talent but do not work hard. These are both sad situations, but the person who realizes their talent and doesn’t work to maximize it is a very sad and discouraging sight.
17. U.S. Marine Corps Explains Their Philosophy

“No one ever drowned in sweat.” – U.S. Marine Corps
The U.S. Marine corps is known for their hard work and attention to detail. Nobody has ever drowned in sweat from working so hard. Don’t be afraid to get dirty and work hard for what you want in life. Nobody has succeeded without hard work.
18. Manoj Arora Believes in Working Hard Silently

“Be like a duck, paddling and working hard in the water, but what everyone sees is a smiling, calm face.” – Manoj Arora
Ducks work very hard in the water, but you may not realize that as you watch them swim gracefully. A hard work comparison to ducks is a great one because it means that people need to keep their hard work to themselves sometimes. Work in the shadows and enjoy success in the sun.
19. Helen Hanson Describes Inspiration

“Inspiration is the windfall from hard work and focus.” – Helen Hanson
Hard work and focus are the keys to inspiration. Inspiration means nothing without hard work and focus following it. People get inspiration from different sources everyday but they do not act on their inspiration. We must act on the inspiration we get and chase our dreams.
20. Joyce Chapman Knows There is no Substitute for Hard Work

“There’s no way around doing the work it takes to get you there.” – Joyce Chapman
To get where you want to in life, you have to work hard. There are no short cuts and there are no easy ways out. You must do what others won’t to live like others can’t. Anything worth having in life is going to be hard to get, so put in the work to get it.
21. Sydney Lumet Understands the Necessities of Work

“All good work requires self-revelation.” – Sidney Lumet
To be able to do good work, one must be in tune with oneself. We must be honest with ourselves and the people around us before we embark on something we wish to become excellent at. Self-revelation is needed to understand the reason we do =the things we do.
22. Jojo Moyes Understands Some People Don’t Want to Work

“The thing is, it’s also a lot of hard work. And people don’t want to put in a lot of work.” – Jojo Moyes
To get where you want to be, it is a lot of hard work. This is why many people are unhappy, because they want to be somewhere else in life but they are not willing to put in the hard work that is needed to get there. There is no way around it
23. Liza Wiemer Believes in Persevering

“Perseverance is the act of true role models and heroes.” – Liza Wiemer
Perseverance is the foundation of hard work. Rome was not built in a day and goals and life dreams are not reached in a day. Persevering during the hard times and staying focused on the task at hand are what separates people from being average or being excellent
24. Michael Jackson Takes His Career Seriously

“I’m really very self-confident when it comes to my work.” – Michael Jackson
The famous pop singer was self-confident about the records he made and to be successful we all must be a little self-confident. We must be confident that we are the best at what we do. Nobody in the world is better at being you than you and that is why you will succeed.
25. Brandi Bates Believes in Growing the Mind

“Don’t tell me that knowledge isn’t power.” – Brandi Bates
Brandi Bates does not want anyone to say that knowledge is not power. Knowledge is the most powerful thing in the world. With enough knowledge, we can do anything we want in this world. The mind is the most lethal weapon to ever be created.
26. Manoj Arora Understands What Separates People

“To achieve what 1% of the world’s population has, you must be willing to do what only 1% dares to do.” – Manoj Arora
To be able to live like the people you admire, you must be willing to do what those people do. The 1% is the 1% because they were willing to work and make sacrifices to get where they are. Many people complain that they can’t do things, but really they are just not willing.
27. Richelle Goodrich With an Obvious Truth

“If you invest nothing, the reward is worth little.” – Richelle Goodrich
Not investing time or money will lead to nothing in return. As people, we must invest our time in causes that we believe in and invest our money into products and people that we believe in. Time and money are the biggest factors as humans. Money can create freedom and time is something we can never get back.
28. Manoj Arora Knows Ideas are Nothing but Ideas

“Ideas do not work..It is YOU who has to do the work.” – Manoj Arora
Ideas are just that, ideas. The hard part about making ideas work is the execution. Ideas are just the simplest form of something. Once you have an idea, you have to realize that the hardest part is to make the idea come to life through extensive planning and execution
29. Alcurtis Tumer Realizes Hard Work is Satisfying

“Hard work makes you feel good because you have accomplished something.” – Alcurtis Tumer
Hard work has a way of making us feel good about ourselves after putting in work. There is nothing more satisfying than completing a task and feeling productive about our day. Hard work can be rewarded in many ways, from monetary value to a trophy.
30. Rosie Thomas Believes in Aligning Our Ambitions

“I can only strive for what is important.” – Rosie Thomas
We must realize what we value in this world and what we want to live our lives for. Striving for what is important is the only way to live. To make a difference in this world we must forget about the petty things we get caught up in and focus on what is important.
31. Auliq-Ice Knows Success Comes from Work Alone

“Nothing is going to work out unless you step up and make it happen.” – Auliq Ice
Nothing is going to work if you continue to wish it will work. The only way things work out is by making them happen through hard work and perseverance. Work is not supposed to be easy; if it were then everyone could be successful.
32. Roy Bennett Tells it Straight

“Live the Life of Your Dreams.” – Roy Bennett
Roy Bennett tells it straight like it should be. Live the life of your dreams and don’t listen to anyone who says you cannot do what you want. Anything is possible in this world with hard work and a mindset of achieving anything.
33. Aj Joshi Compares Success and Work

“Everyone wants to ride the train but not everyone wants to lay the tracks.” – Aj Joshi
Everyone wants the perks of success but not everybody is willing to do the dirty, unglamorous work to get there. Aj Joshi compares hard work and success to building and riding a train. People will wish and complain about what they don’t have but won’t put in the work to get it.
34. Maggie Stiefvater has a Message for Millennials

“When you’re tired, sleep. Don’t watch stupid tv or play games on your phone.” – Maggie Stiefvater
Do not waste your time playing games or watching meaningless television. If you are tired, get some rest and get ready for the next day. There is no point in delaying your day and get nothing in return. The better alternative is to be well rested and be more productive the next day.
35. Michael Bassey Johnson Believes in Working With a Purpose

“If you wait for the mango fruits to fall, you’d be wasting your time while others are learning how to climb the tree.” – Michael Bassey Johnson
Working hard shows great character, but working hard and smart shows a true hard worker. Sometimes we need to take a step back and evaluate what we have been doing. Are we doing this the most efficient way? Sometimes solutions to problems are simpler than they seem.
36. Mary Sage Nguyen Values Work

“A little hard work, never hurt anyone.” – Mary Sage Nguyen
Mary Nguyen believes that hard work has never hurt anyone. Do not be afraid to follow your dreams and work hard toward them. Only good things can come from hard work so choose your path and work towards it.
37. Constance Friday Debunks a Myth About Desperation

“Desperation is not an evidence of hard work; it’s a sign of lack of faith.” – Constance Friday
When someone is desperate, some people will say that they are working hard. However, Constance Friday claims that desperation is a sign of lack of faith. If you are desperate for something that means you do not believe you can achieve it through your own hard work.
38. Moolesh Dindoyal lists the Pillars of Success

“Hard-work, perseverance and sacrifices will guide you to success.” – Moolesh Dindoyal
Moolesh Dindoyal describes what he believes is needed for success. You need hard-work to make you earn it and make it your way. Perseverance to realize that it will not be easy and it will not happen overnight. Lastly, you need to make sacrifices and give up on the things or the people that only hold you back.
39. Amit Kalantri Gives Clear Advice

“Don’t wait, just sweat.” – Amit Kalantri
Even if you don’t have a plan for what you want to do, it is not always the best idea to wait. Sometimes the best advice you can get is advice to start working. You may not know what direction or where you’re going, but getting experience working for something is experience that will stay with you.
40. Isrealmore Ayivor Believes the Harder You Work the Better Life Is

“The thickest sweats produce the sweetest life.” – Isrealmore Ayivor
The people who work the hardest have the best lives. The harder we work, the more we earn, whether it’s monetary value or freedom. The people who work the hardest develop and maintain the best lifestyles because working for what you have is satisfying and worthwhile.
41. Israelmore Ayivor Describes Easy Come Easy Go

“Whatever you have not strived hard to achieve will not strive hard to fade.” – Isrealmore Ayivor
The things that we work hard to achieve are the ones that last. The things that we get quickly are usually the first ones to go. We are not able to cherish something unless we have truly worked for it and earned it through hard work and perseverance.
42. Isrealmore Ayivor Prefers Work Over Wishes

“Change won’t happen because everyone wishes it happens.” – Isrealmore Ayivor
Change does not happen through wishing and hoping, change happens through hard work and sacrifice. Change is a strong word because change is a big step. It is hard to make things change for the better but it can be done with the right mindset and work.
43. Aniekee Ezekiel Says Work for Tomorrow

“Shovel today’s challenges for your tomorrow’s freedom.” – Aniekee Ezekiel
Work hard today to make tomorrow easier. This is a great quote, but the real meaning is on a larger scale. Work hard today so in a few years you won’t have to work as hard to maintain your living.
44. Aniekee Ezekiel Values the Present

“Forget what we became, what matters is what we’ve become, and our potentials to overcome.” – Aniekee Ezekiel
We should never be judged by our past. The past is something we should learn from and use as a lesson. Our true power and our true test is what we are today. The power to overcome obstacles and to grow from day to day and year to year is the power of the human mind.
45. Aniekee Ezekiel Believes Questions have Power

“The smarter the question, the lesser the guessing.” – Aniekee Ezekiel
Sometimes when we have trouble finding answers, we need to ask if we are asking the right questions. The questions can be more difficult and misleading than the answers. Reflecting on what we are looking for can help us find the real answer.
46. Ken Poirot Knows it Takes More than Hard Work

“A positive mindset alone in the absence of hard work will get you nowhere.” – Ken Poirot
A positive mindset can make or break an ambition. However, a mindset is nothing without the hard work that accompanies it. Staying positive lays the ground work for a task, but the hard work is what ultimately will get it done.
47. Lailah Akita Believes Obstacles Must be Overcome

“If want to succeed, you must work to overcome the obstacles on your path.” – Lailah Akita
Success is never achieved without leaping over obstacles along the way. Whether it is people who don’t believe in you or second guessing yourself, there will always be something to overcome. The true test is how long you can persevere.
48. Lailah Akita Will Work Extremely Hard for What She Wants

“I sweat in tears to get what I want.” – Lailah Akita
Lailah Akita describes a scenario where she does anything to get where she wants to be. Sweating in tears can be related to giving it your absolute everything that no matter how you feel you are able to reach the goal.
49. Sanchita Pandey Values Perseverance

“Fight if you must, work hard, give your best but never quit in the face of difficulty.” – Sanchita Pandey
Fight if you absolutely have to. Work your absolute hardest, give it your best and don’t stop and never, ever quit. The only thing that quitting will bring is regret later in life. You must have the moxie to persevere and never give up on your dreams`
50. Mark Fahmy Believes Working Hard Correctly

“You know what’s worse than not working hard? Working hard in the wrong direction.” – Mark Fahmy
Not working hard to achieve your dream is a terrible thing and many people do not work hard. But what is worse than working hard is working in the wrong direction. We must learn to work hard and smart to understand what direction we must head toward.
51. Lailah Akita Values Hard Work

“Hard work is the key to any achievement.” – Lailah Akita
Hard work is what makes any dream or task come true. Most people work every day to complete a daily project, you have to work hard and earn it. This should be the same plan when trying to achieve anything. Hard work will always be the best option.
52. Dennis Prager Believes Work is the Key to any Endeavor

“Everything worthwhile in life is attained through hard work.” – Dennis Prager
Life has many aspects that are considered worthwhile and worth working towards. Every single one of these aspects can be reached through hard work. Hard work is an activity that has the highest success rate of all other activities.
53. Lailah Akita Breaks Success Down Mathematically

“Hard work is the formula for success.” – Lailah Akita
If there were a formula for success that everybody learned in school, it would be two words; Hard work. The only way to reach success is through working hard. Work hard and follow the game plan you have set for your life.
54. Keysha Jade Separates Praying and Working

“When you pray as much as you work; you achieve as much as you dream.” – Keysha Jade
Praying and working are two totally different activities. Praying is hoping and wishing for something good to come along. Working is going out and making it happen on your own. If you were to work as much as you prayed, then you will achieve as much as you dream.
55. Sarah Price Values the People Who Don’t Complain

“A sign of a hard worker is one who works without complaint.” – Sarah Price
Many people work hard but they complain the whole time because they think they are too good for the work or because they are getting tired. The true hard worker is one who does not complain and perseveres through the tough times without saying a word.
56. Gertrude Warner Understands the Value of Hard Work

“Everything seems better when we have to work to get it.” – Gertrude Warner
Everything is better when we have earned it. Gertrude Warner is right on with this quote. Getting handed something never feels as good as earning it on our own. Hard work is long and grueling, but the reward for it is worth it ten out of ten times.
57. Michael Bassey Johnson Explains the Work Process

“Start with a cry, end with a smile.” – Michael Bassey Johnson
Start off your journey with hard work. The smile, as Michael Bassey Johnson describes, is the end goal and the achievement of all the hard work. When you finally reach the smile stage, all of the tears will have been worth it.
58. Stefan Molyneux Does not Feel Bad for the Ones Who did not Believe

“I will feel no guilt on shutting my door to those who didn’t listen.” – Stefan Molyneux
No matter what we try to do in life, there will be people who don’t believe in us and people who laugh at us. These are the people who do not deserve to celebrate with you when you finally achieve the goal. These are the people we need to leave behind because they only bring us down.
59. Unknown Explains Three Necessary Aspects of Success

“Blood, sweat and respect. The first two you give, the last one you get.” – Unknown
We give blood through all of the ups and down that we through during our lifetime. We give sweat through all of the hard work and we get respect after we prove we can endure the first two. Blood, sweat and respect are all aspects of a successful person.
60. Mitch Albom Creates his own List

“Belief, hard work, love – you have those things, you can do anything.” – Mitch Albom
If you believe in your goals, work hard to achieve them, and love what you are doing, then you are perfectly set up to be successful. There is nothing that can come between someone who has those three values. Mitch Albom lists three amazing qualities to have.
61. Conor McGregor doesn’t Believe in his Talent

“There’s no talent here, this is hard work. This is an obsession.” – Conor McGregor
The world famous MMA fighter does not believe that any of his success has come from his talent. He is obsessed with winning and working. His talent is far from how hard he works and his passion and obsession for his sport. His hard work will always beat out his talent.
62. Amelia Robinson Wants the Younger Generation to Understand

“It’s important that young people know about the struggles we faced to get to the point we are today.” – Amelia Robinson
Today, many younger people do not value the struggles that older generations have gone through. Millennials and younger generations have grown up with all the new technology and have no idea what it was like to live even 30 years ago. We all must respect the work our elders have done to make our lives the way they are.
63. Lailah Akita Gives no Ways Around Work

“Push, push. Push harder!” – Lailah Akita
This quote is straightforward and simple. Keep pushing and never stop. To achieve something, you have to be persistent to the point where you will never give up. Keep pushing until you feel like you have nothing left, and then push some more.
64. Kevin Hart Believes Everyone Wants Fame

“Everybody Wants To Be Famous But Nobody Wants To Do The Work!” – Kevin Hart
Everybody wants to be rich and famous but nobody wants to put in the work to get there. The famous comedian has worked his whole life to get where he is today; it did not happen by accident. People do not realize the hours and days and years it takes to become successful.
65. Sanchita Pandey Believes the Future can be Changed

“It does not matter where you are standing right now.” – Sanchita Pandey
Where you are right does not compare to where you will end up. Use your time right now to plan and start working toward where you want to be. Learn from the past, live in the present and work toward the future.
66. Israelmore Ayivor Believes People Need to Enlarge Their Dreams

“Because of fear, most people don’t dream big.” – Isrealmore Ayivor
People do not aim to be their best self because of fear. Dreaming of something that seems so far out of reach is scary, but it is attainable. It is attainable through hard work and the self confidence that you are able to do it. Those who believe they can achieve their big dreams are the ones that do.
67. Lailah Akita Explains Two Skills

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